Wrestle Talk With Arabbidb3aver
On this Pod Cast we talk about anything and everything regarding professional Wrestling also know as Sports entertainment. we do everything from Indies to the main stream and interview as many as we can along the way. So come along and get slammed with us every Tuesday and Thursday 8pm est
Wrestle Talk With Arabbidb3aver
The Evil Spock Bunny Kasara H, Princess Lady K. is here to talk with me about our most recent shows!
Season 5
Episode 7
Tonight on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver, we talk about the most recent events we went to, Usual Suspects NWA Exodus Pro, Night of Murdoch NWA Krossfire Live Events, The School Of Morton, The Battle of Burton 2 in Norton Virginia, Southern Pride Championship Wrestling, and so much more......
Come join us and lets get slammed together tonight!
Wrestle Talk seasons 4 up now! Have a listen and lets get slammed together!